2023 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Computer Science(BDACS 2023)
Home / Registration

Student rate is ONLY applicable for students who are FIRST authors and attached their student' ID card copy when register. Payment of fees must accompany all registration forms. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is received in full. 

    Registration Types
    Fee (In RMB Yuan)
    Fee (In US Dollar)
    Early Registration
    (By January 15, 2023)
    *Author (Regular)
    RMB 3700
    USD 530
    *Author (TPC Member)
    RMB 3500
    USD 500
    *Author (Student)
    RMB 3300
    USD 470
    (Abstract/Oral Presentation)
    RMB 2200
    USD 320

    Regular Registration
    (After January 15, 2023)
    *Author (Regular)
    RMB 3900
    USD 560
    *Author (TPC Member)
    RMB 3700
    USD 530
    *Author (Student)
    RMB 3500
    USD 500
    (Abstract/Oral Presentation)
    RMB 2400
    USD 350

    Other Optional
    Registration Items
    RMB 1700
    USD 240
    ***Listener (Student)
    RMB 1450
    USD 210
    Additional Paper
    RMB 2600
    USD 380
    Additional Page (Up to 10)
    RMB 200
    USD 30
    One Day Tour
    RMB 500
    USD 70
    Extra Proceedings (Hardcopy)
    RMB 200
    USD 30

    * Author: making an oral presentation of the paper which will be published by the proceedings.
    ** Presenter (Oral Presentation only): making an oral presentation on the conference without paper publishing.
    *** Listener: Participating in the conference only as a non-presenter, without presentation and paper publication.

♦ One regular registration can cover a paper within Ten pages, including all figures, tables, and references. 
♦ One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only ONE proceedings copy.
♦ Registrations accompanying accepted papers must be received before the deadline and are non-refundable.

Special Message!

The conference organising committees is aware of the current developments regarding the novel coronavirus and we understand that some participants are now facing travel restrictions and may have to either cancel their participation. Therefore the option to do remote presentation is offered to encourage participants to continue with their presentations virtually by online conference, video conference, etc. Please note online presentation session will be arranged during the conference. We welcome your participation!
Subsequently, for a safer conference environment, the organizer will actively take protective measures such as, to remind every participant to wear the mask during the conference, take every participant's temperature before they enter and provide alcohol-based hand rub during the conference, etc.

Refund Policy

If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.
♦ 60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund
♦ 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund
♦ Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund
Cancellation and refund request must be made formally via email. No shows will not be refunded. The organizing committees is not responsible for problems beyond our control such as weather conditions, campus conditions, travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, etc.

♦ The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.
♦ The losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.

1. Please fill the information and complete the payment via Online Payment System
2. You need to email filled listener registration form including Payment Order ID & Payment Email to icbdacs@163.com and wait for the secretary‘s comfirmation.

3. Confirmed by the conference secretary, then listener registration succeeds. Please print and bring Order ID & Payment Email file when you arrive.

For safety consideration, please take good care of your belongings in the public places. Please bring your name badge for entering the conference hall. Please do not lend your name badge to people who are not involved with the conference. Please do not take irrelevant people to enter the conference rooms. The Organizers shall not be held responsibility for any loss of personal finance or belongings.